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International cooperation


An Environmental Verifier accredited or licensed in one Member State shall, at least four weeks before performing verification and validation activities in another Member State, notify to the Accreditation or Licensing Body of the latter Member State the following information:

  • its accreditation or licence details, competences, in particular knowledge of legal requirements relating to the environment and official language of the other Member State, and team composition if appropriate;
  • the time and place of the verification and validation;
  • the address and contact details of the organisation requesting verification and validation of Environmental statement.

When notifying the Accreditation Body of the Czech Republic, which is the Czech Accreditation Institute (Český institut pro akreditaci), the Environmental Verifier is kindly asked to fill out the attached form and either e-mail the completed an signed form to or send it by mail to

Český institut pro akreditaci
Hájkova 2747/22
130 00 Praha 3, Czech Republic